I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. Ours was sooooo busy. It began with my dad, Jake, Megan and their dog Finnegan and Josh and Jennifer coming in. It is always so wonderful to have family come in. Well, we had a family picnic in which we invited extended family to come. It is so nice to live close enough now that they can come for a long day. After the picnic everyone came over to celebrate Jaelynn's 5th birthday with some yummy cup cakes. The kids had a blast and didn't want the party to end.
Sunday was Jaelynn's official birthday and we got to spend it with family. So Monday was spent like another Saturday. Lots of swimming and park playing and anything pertaining to being outside. We had a great weekend.
Tuesday morning comes and reality hits. Scott is up at his normal time still hobbling around from his knee surgery he had last Tuesday, Justin has ended up in our bed which wakes the babies up that are still in the bed with me, which wakes me up still sitting up waiting on the babies to finish eating to put them back in their bed. Well they never made it. So I look over and it is 7:30. I had my alarm set for 6:30 so maybe I could go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before the day got started but not now. It was close but Justin made it out the door on time. So I pass my laundry room on the way to get Sawyer out of bed, He is my late sleeper, and I notice the massive (I mean huge, massive, extraordinarily large) pile of dirty clothes in the laundry room. I guess that is what happens when you have company in and every thing is dropped. It will eventually get caught up.
So my baby boys are 12 weeks old today. They will officially be 3 months on Sept. 12 so I will get their pictures taken sometime between now and then. They are laughing out loud and trying so hard to roll over. They go to the Dr. on Sept. 15 so I will give weight and height updates then. Sawyer is 22 months today. This little guy is something else. His major thing right now is starting to talk. (Talk back that is) Favorite word is NO. Anything that has liquid in it ends up on the floor. It is such a cool game to him. I included some pictures of this weekend. LOL.
Jaelynn and her (second) cousin Scout. Jaelynn calls Scout her sister b/c she doesn't have one. The are so cute together.
My 5 year old beautiful baby girl. Where does time go?
Scout's daddy Ricky holding the cupcakes. Sadler is sure eyeing them.
Now all you need are your pink cowgirl boots and a pony. Maybe next year!
Mommy's cousin Amelia and Jaelynn. Two beautiful ladies.
Jaelynn, Sunday morning birthday breakfast in her new night gown.

Sadler. He is my emotional one. As you can see from the picture he was hysterically crying before hysterically laughing. It is either 1 or 10 no
in between.
What a handsome little guy. It is hard to believe he will be 3 in a few days.
Can you see the meanness in this kid. What a hand full.
We are so proud of this young man. He received all good marks from school the month of August. In return he chose to get a pair of heely shoes. It took him maybe (at the most) half a day to learn how to use them. He loves them. He totally wanted to wear them to school today to show his teacher. We know he will keep up the good work and who knows what he will choose this month. Keep up the hard work Justin! He always tries to look a little GQ in his pictures.